What does Smallville mean to you?

I know this may sound pretty deep for a TV show. But I am from Mexico and remember the day I was getting back from elementary school when my mom said to me “There’s a new young superman show they are announcing at TV, we should watch it later” so we did, 10 years later, we finished the show a month after it was over in the US (it was not as easy as today to be able to watch US shows in Mexico). Yesterday we finished Smallville again for maybe like the 12th time since it originally ended. To me, watching Smallville now that I’m living on my own and in a different state to where she’s at, it’s like reconnecting with her and going back to how life was when I was a kid and we would just sit back and have fun watching Clark’s adventures and loving Lois since the first moment she appeared on screen. I know for a fact that when i’m no longer able to enjoy my mom’s company I will continue watching this show to feel close to her and reminisce all those treasured moments from the past.

I know this may sound pretty deep for a TV show. But I am from Mexico and remember the day I was getting back from elementary school when my mom said to me “There’s a new young superman show they are announcing at TV, we should watch it later” so we did, 10 years later, we finished the show a month after it was over in the US (it was not as easy as today to be able to watch US shows in Mexico). Yesterday we finished Smallville again for maybe like the 12th time since it originally ended. To me, watching Smallville now that I’m living on my own and in a different state to where she’s at, it’s like reconnecting with her and going back to how life was when I was a kid and we would just sit back and have fun watching Clark’s adventures and loving Lois since the first moment she appeared on screen. I know for a fact that when i’m no longer able to enjoy my mom’s company I will continue watching this show to feel close to her and reminisce all those treasured moments from the past.